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Home Cooling Recommendations To Keep Your Air Conditioner In Great Shape And Maintained

During the heat of summer, there is nothing you may rely upon more for comfort and survival than your home's air conditioner. Without an air conditioner, your home interior will quickly heat up from the outside temperature and sun's UV radiation to turn your home interior into a sweltering oven. But it is essential that you take care of your air conditioner to keep it working as it needs to for all season long. Here are some recommendations to help you keep your air conditioner working its best and keeping your home interior cool.

Manage Your Home's Interior Temperature

In order to keep your air conditioner working well, it is important that you don't overwork your AC unit. Turning down the temperature too low can cause your air conditioner to run around the clock and can cause it to break down or the coils to freeze up when you need it at the hottest part of the day or during a heatwave, for example. Do your best to keep your home interior cool. Close the draperies against the incoming sunshine to prevent solar heat gain.

You should also keep your air conditioner temperature set at a higher number and use interior ceiling fans to create a breeze and make the rooms feel cooler. Doing so will reduce your air conditioner's effort and prevent overuse.

You can also install a smart thermostat in your home or a programmable thermostat so you can adjust the temperature up while you are away from home and lower it before you return back home. You can, for example, set the temperature in your home at 79 degrees while you are away, then adjust it to 75 degrees for when you are at home. At night you can also lower the temperature to cool your home's interior walls and floor, which can help keep your home cooler the next day when the outside temperature rises.

Clean and Maintain Your AC Unit

In addition to controlling your home's comfort and temperature on the inside, you should also take steps to keep your air conditioner working its best. Hire a yearly tune-up by a licensed HVAC air conditioner technician who can clean, repair, and service your unit. Then, take measures to replace the filters every month or so and keep the outside compressor cleaned and protected. 

Keep your outside compressor free of debris and clear of vegetation. You can plant vegetation around your unit to provide shade, which is a great recommendation but keep a couple feet of clearance between the unit and the vegetation. On some of the hotter days, you can use your garden hose to spray down your AC unit to help keep it cool and be more efficient in cooling your home.

To learn more, reach out to a local air conditioning service.