Understanding The Construction Process

Three Ways To Refinish Hardwood Floors

It is not always that hard to refinish your bathroom floor. Many people think of hardwood floor refinishing as an extremely strenuous, time-consuming, and expensive project. But, this article shows how it can actually be quite manageable. There are a few different ways that hardwood can be refinished. This article should help you decide which method is going to be the most practical and aesthetically effective for your floor.

Keeping the Same Stain

If you just want to add more of the existing stain color to bolster your wood finish, you can get away with doing minimal prep work or sanding. Usually, it is the sanding that is the most difficult part of a full-scale floor refinishing project. But, if you are just going to add a new coat of stain, and your existing floor is in decent enough condition, this can be done without using any sandpaper. You still need to do a little prep work, just to make the surface is equally smooth using some steel wool. But, this is just to even out the texture, so the stain will absorb and dry consistently. You don't need to actually remove any of the existing stain.

Sanding Damaged Floors

Many floors will need to be sanded, even if you are just going to apply the same finish color. This is usually only necessary if your floor is in bad shape. If it has a bunch of spots that need to be repaired or places where the stain is significantly worn down, you might need to do some heavy duty sanding. If your floor hasn't been refinished for years, you will definitely need to do a lot of sanding. However, this doesn't mean you need to sand off all of the stain. You just want to sand until the smoothness of the wood is uniform.

Changing the Stain Color

If you want to change the color of your stain, the job is a lot more difficult because you have to sand off all of the existing finish to expose the wood grains. This can be very demanding work but is absolutely necessary if you want to change your floor color. If you have solid hardwood, this is a process you can do several times. But, if you have layered floors, it might not be possible to refinish them more than once or twice.

Hardwood can look very different after being refinished, so it is a great home improvement project. To learn more, contact a bathroom remodeling company near you!